Effective protection against cyber attacks
As an integral part of intelligent building services, the networking of buildings with cloud and IoT services has advanced to become an essential component of innovative building automation and control systems (BACS). However, increasing networking also creates a growing target for attacks by cybercriminals. Modern, state-of-the-art Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) comprise effective protection mechanisms to safeguard the assets, buildings and people. They also ensure the availability, confidentiality and integrity of your data and contain target-oriented protective measures in the event of a cyber attack. In cooperation with the DIGICONTROL team of experts, you set up your tailor-made Building Automation and Control System IT (BACS-IT) shield.
Intelligent protection mechanisms
One of our highlights is the new automation equipment DIGICONTROL ems5. We have specifically designed the integrated Building IoT and Edge Controller for deployment in networked buildings and have implemented a comprehensive security package accordingly:
- Active and precisely customised firewalls prevent unauthorised network access
- Separate security zones through segmentation of the BACS-IT network.
- Intrinsic protection of automation equipment and Building IoT and Edge Controllers
- System hardening by maximising system protection against internal and external attacks
- Early detection of potential faults or attacks through evaluation of the communication flow (Event Loggin)
- Measures to detect malware threats and attacks
- Password protection prevents unauthorised access to data, functions and program contents.
- User access is performed via TLS 1.3 encryption.
- The security concept is based on IEC 62443, the international standard for Cyber Security for Industrial Automation.
Sustainable security concepts
Organisational measures and services as part of the security package turn your building into a fortress in terms of sustainable cyber security. The competent implementation of the measures is carried out by our BACS-IT expert team:
- Training, professional development and awareness-raising of the operating staff
- Service during ongoing building operation
- Regular software updates via patches
- Vulnerability Management
- Incident Management